Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Urban WarFit CrossFit- Home of ELITE Staff

Urban WarFit Staff & Trainers

Rob Pyfer

- Urban WarFit Coach
- 15 years experience as a fitness professional
- LETS CrossFit Coach
- CrossFit Level One Certified Instructor
- N.A.S.M. Certified
- I.S.S.A.
- A.C.E.
- Diet Master

Ali Pyfer

- Urban Warfit Trainer
- 13 years experience fitness professional
- Crossfit Leve One Certified Trainer
- I.S.S.A
- Johnny G Spin
- Diet Master Certified
- Kettle Bell
- Suspension Training
- Sandbag Training

Paul Miga
-12 years Experience

Justin Fallon

- Urban WarFit Coach
- CrossFit Level One Certified Instructor, March 2010
- Kinesology/Coaching College background
- Pose Running, efficient running instruction
- Olympic Lifting
- Kettlebell training

Jake Holmberg

- Urban WarFit Coach
- CrossFit Level One Certified Instructor, March 2010
- Kinesology/Coaching College background
- Pose Running, efficient running instuction
- Olympic Lifting
- Kettlebell training

Wynn Darring

- Urban WarFit Independent Trainer
- 5 years experience as an Independent Trainer
- Division 1 Wrestler
- High Intensity Strength and Conditioning
- Wrestling Instructor

Steve Caprara

- Martial Arts Trainer
- ACT, NTS Security Arrest & Control Tactics
- CDT Non-deadly Force Bodyguard System Levels 1-3
- Japanese Weapons including Bo and Nunchaku