Urban WarFit Staff & Trainers
Rob Pyfer
- Urban WarFit Coach
- 15 years experience as a fitness professional
- LETS CrossFit Coach
- CrossFit Level One Certified Instructor
- N.A.S.M. Certified
- I.S.S.A.
- A.C.E.
- Diet Master
Ali Pyfer
- Urban Warfit Trainer
- 13 years experience fitness professional
- Crossfit Leve One Certified Trainer
- I.S.S.A
- Johnny G Spin
- Diet Master Certified
- Kettle Bell
- Suspension Training
- Sandbag Training
Paul Miga
-12 years Experience
Justin Fallon
- Urban WarFit Coach
- CrossFit Level One Certified Instructor, March 2010
- Kinesology/Coaching College background
- Pose Running, efficient running instruction
- Olympic Lifting
- Kettlebell training
Jake Holmberg
- Urban WarFit Coach
- CrossFit Level One Certified Instructor, March 2010
- Kinesology/Coaching College background
- Pose Running, efficient running instuction
- Olympic Lifting
- Kettlebell training
Wynn Darring
- Urban WarFit Independent Trainer
- 5 years experience as an Independent Trainer
- Division 1 Wrestler
- High Intensity Strength and Conditioning
- Wrestling Instructor
Steve Caprara
- Martial Arts Trainer
- ACT, NTS Security Arrest & Control Tactics
- CDT Non-deadly Force Bodyguard System Levels 1-3
- Japanese Weapons including Bo and Nunchaku
Understanding the balance between risk and reward in training is essential for athletes. Excited to see your journey unfold with the guidance of personal trainers Scottsdale! They'll help navigate the path to success while minimizing setbacks.